2017 Rally Information

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The Tidewater Unit currently has 4 main rallies in the year where business meetings are conducted.  These rallies are scheduled by the President, and start after the installation of new officers at the Virginia Commonwealth Rally in September:  one rally in the fall around October/November; one in early spring around March/April; one in late spring around the beginning of June and just prior to the International Rally; one in August just prior to the Commonwealth Rally.

Any other rallies occur as members desire to host one, so such rallies or gatherings get scheduled as they become known.  Our unit tends to have a lunch or dinner gathering in the months of December, January and February.  Hosting a gathering or a rally usually means simply:

  • Identifying a date and location and contacting the facility for arrangements.
  • Providing information to send out to the membership.
  • Serving as, or designating, a contact point to keep track of who will attend.
  • Determining a rally fee to cover any expenses incurred in the arrangements.

We usually leave the making of reservations at the facility to the individual member who will attend after the host has given the facility an estimation of the number of attendees.  Our members often co-host rallies to spread out the making of arrangements.  Sometimes hosts will set up special activities such as tours, reservations for meals at restaurants or from caterers, special programs/guests, etc.  Any prior fees needed to set up such activities are covered by the unit through the Treasurer.

Schedule of Upcoming Rallies: